Method of Gradient Descent
Similar to Method of Gradient Ascent
Also see Gradient Ascent
Consider the function
f ( x 1 , x 2 ) = x 1 2 + 3 x 2 2 + 2 x 1 x 2 − 4 x 1 − 6 x 2
with initial estimate
x = [ 0 0 ] T
Calculate the gradient vector
▽ f ( x ) = [ 2 x 1 + 2 x 2 − 4 6 x 2 + 2 x 1 − 6 ] T
and the Hessian Matrix
▽ 2 f ( x ) = [ 2 2 2 6 ]
Look at the plot
Do one step of gradient descent:
f ( x 0 − α 0 ▽ f ( x 0 )) = [ 4 α 0 6 α 0 ]
The general gradient descent algorithm for any function with a minimum.
def gradient_descent (func, x0):
Performs one step of gradient descent with optimal alpha calculation
for a given sympy function of x1 and x2, starting from x0.
- func: sympy function of two variables, x1 and x2.
- x0: Initial point as a list or tuple of two numbers [x1, x2].
- New point as a list [x1, x2] after one step of gradient descent.
- Optimal alpha used for the step.
# Define symbols
x1, x2, alpha = symbols( 'x1 x2 alpha' )
# Calculate gradient
grad = [diff(func, var) for var in [x1, x2]]
# Substitute x0 into gradient and express new point as function of alpha
grad_at_x0 = [g.subs([(x1, x0[ 0 ]), (x2, x0[ 1 ])]) for g in grad]
x1_new = x0[ 0 ] - alpha * grad_at_x0[ 0 ]
x2_new = x0[ 1 ] - alpha * grad_at_x0[ 1 ]
# Function value as a function of alpha
f_alpha = func.subs([(x1, x1_new), (x2, x2_new)])
# Derivative of function with respect to alpha and solve for optimal alpha
df_dalpha = diff(f_alpha, alpha)
optimal_alpha_solution = solve(df_dalpha, alpha)
# Handle multiple solutions for alpha
if not optimal_alpha_solution:
print ( "No solution found for alpha. Check the function's form." )
return x0, None # Return original point and None for alpha if no solution
optimal_alpha = optimal_alpha_solution[ 0 ] # Assuming the first solution is optimal
# Calculate new point using the optimal alpha
x1_optimal = x1_new.subs(alpha, optimal_alpha)
x2_optimal = x2_new.subs(alpha, optimal_alpha)
return [x1_optimal, x2_optimal], optimal_alpha
For the function considered, this code will return α 0 = 86 13
which will result in the next estimate x 1 = [ 43 26 43 39 ] T ≈ [ 0.604651 0.906977 ] T
Continue doing gradient descent steps until it converges to the approximate global minimum x ≈ [ 1.5 0.5 ] T