Newton Univariate Root Method


  • To find the root/s i.e where the function intercepts the x-axis

General Form:

  • General formula for Newton’s Univariate Root approximation:
from sympy import symbols, diff, lambdify, parse_expr
x = symbols('x')
def newton_uni_root_method(f_sym, x0, tolerance=0.0005, max_iterations=100):
	# Convert symbolic function to a numerical function
	f = lambdify(x, f_sym, 'numpy')
	df_sym = diff(f_sym, x)
	df = lambdify(x, df_sym, 'numpy')
	results = []
	k = 0
	xk = x0
while k < max_iterations:
	f_xk = f(xk)
	df_xk = df(xk)
	# Avoid division by zero
	if df_xk == 0:
		raise ValueError(f"Zero derivative. No solution found at x = {xn}")
	# Newton univariate method update
	delta = - f_xk / df_xk
	xk1 = xk + delta
	results.append((k, xk, f_xk, df_xk, delta, xk1))
	if abs(xk1 - xk) < tolerance:
	xk = xk1
	k += 1
	return results


with initial guess

which is a decent guess looking at the plot of the function

The x-intercepts of the function will be at x = 0 and another x-value somewhere between 0.6 and 0.8

Following the algorithm for newton univariate roots, we can tabulate the key values in a table as follows

00.80.054 4590.974 459-0.055 886
10.744 1140.002 8350.871 879-0.003252
20.740 8620.000 0100.865 705-0.000 012
30.740 850---
using a tolerance of 0.0005 to stop the algorithm results in
Next we’re going to look at Newton Univariate Method